We place great emphasis on meeting and, whenever possible, exceeding our patients’ expectations. We try to ensure that all patients are pleased with their experience of our services and we take any concerns a patient may have very seriously.

If you have a concern regarding any aspect of your care, please let us know. We will do all that we can to resolve it to your satisfaction, both promptly and professionally.

Our aim is to respond to patients’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

  1. The person responsible for dealing with any concerns in this practice is Dr Anu Jawahar.
  2. If you are unhappy about an aspect of your care, contact our practice manager by telephone 01273 832209 or email: manager@hurstdentalpractice.co.uk.
  3. After listening to a description of the problem Dr Anu Jawahar, the principal dentist will be contacted. Should the designated person or other responsible person not be available at the time, you will be informed when she will be available and arrangements will be made for you to meet with Dr Anu Jawahar. The member of staff will take brief details of the concern and pass them on to Dr Jawahar.
  4. If you write to express your concern, by letter or email, this will be passed on to the designated person in the case of administrative issues, and for clinical issues, to the treating dentist concerned who is responsible for the clinical care provided.
  5. If your concern is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges, the dentist involved, and the Principal Dentist will be informed.
  6. We acknowledge in writing any concerns within two days. I you have raised a concern in writing, the written acknowledgement will also include a copy of our Complaints Policy.
  7. We will investigate the concern and report back to you within ten working days. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete our investigations within ten working days, we will notify your, giving reasons for the delay and the likely period within which the investigation well be completed.
  8. We will confirm the outcome of the investigation and any decisions made in writing.
  9. Proper and comprehensive records are kept of any concerns/complaints received.
  10. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the outcome or the procedure, you may write to the Practice Principal at the following address: The Practice Principal, PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL, Hurst Dental Practice, 78 High Street, Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex.
  11. Private patients can contact the Care Quality Commission. Hurst Dental Practice will obviously try to avoid the matter escalating this far, however we understand that, sometimes, it is impossible to resolve matters and this is then the only way to proceed.

Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP Tel : 03450154033 www.ombudsman.org.uk

Dental Complaints Service www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk

Care Quality Commission, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA Tel: 03000 616161 www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us

Reviewed: January 2023

Next review: January 2024

Dentist speaking to patient

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